Big Ideas

Hey Witches – it’s 2023. (Just in case you needed that update)

I’ve jumped on the broom with both legs – at the same time for once- and am heading into 2023 cackling LOUD.

Lots of plans and lots of big ideas.  Shocker right?  I’m happy to report my sketch pad of ideas does NOT include dieting, exercise or lame-ass personal improvement goals. 

I am talking NEW PROJECTS that include JUNK JOURNALS, ALCOHOL INK cards, and making messes with lots of paints, sprays, inks and gesso.  ALL of these projects will be done sitting on my fat arse, munching snacks and sipping tea – enjoying the creation of all messy things.

I am also talking weekend CRAFT SALES!  I’m not sure if I should be happy or scared about that, but at least excited if nothing else.

Watch my stupid social media accounts for the info and updates.  Geez I hate Facebook.

Here’s hoping for calm winds, great late night flights, and even better landings.

Cheers Witches!
