Big Ideas

Hey Witches – it’s 2023. (Just in case you needed that update)

I’ve jumped on the broom with both legs – at the same time for once- and am heading into 2023 cackling LOUD.

Lots of plans and lots of big ideas.  Shocker right?  I’m happy to report my sketch pad of ideas does NOT include dieting, exercise or lame-ass personal improvement goals. 

I am talking NEW PROJECTS that include JUNK JOURNALS, ALCOHOL INK cards, and making messes with lots of paints, sprays, inks and gesso.  ALL of these projects will be done sitting on my fat arse, munching snacks and sipping tea – enjoying the creation of all messy things.

I am also talking weekend CRAFT SALES!  I’m not sure if I should be happy or scared about that, but at least excited if nothing else.

Watch my stupid social media accounts for the info and updates.  Geez I hate Facebook.

Here’s hoping for calm winds, great late night flights, and even better landings.

Cheers Witches!


..just sayin’.

Sunday night bitchfest has begun Witches! Yes, the weekend is coming to a close.  Whoever started the 3 day weekend discussion had better keep talking. 

My so-called weekend was jam packed with mostly annoying chores – the hut needed a bit of a tidy up. Thought my once-a-year cleaning schedule was going to be just fine, but clearly that big idea has not panned out. Between emptying ashes from the cauldron spit, swooping down cobwebs from the rafters that the spiders thought were a good idea, and sweeping up wood chips from the back doorway – I’m ready for some fun – or at least some CAKE. 

Whatever you did this weekend, try to find the FUN in it – even if it was just eating cake!


PS – no more cleaning til at least Christmas… just sayin’.

Keep it crunchy

The candles are glowing tonight, the rain is pattering on the roof

Herb seeds are in, weeds are coming up and flourishing, and the rain is giving everything a generous drink. All is right with the world – at least around my hut!  Not too many bugs yet, except for my annoying bloodsucking woodtick friends. Gotta love them.  Geezuz, now I’m feeling something crawling up my leg. 

It has taken Spring a long time to show his face and now that I can get out there the ticks are keeping me company for sure.  Lots to explore now that the snow has melted and the rains have given everything a washdown.  Fingers crossed and wand is handy if needed to be sure that the wild roses, lily of the valley, and the lady slippers do well this year. The bees need them!!  I’ll take a ride on my broom tomorrow to look for them when the rain stops.

Have you planned your garden yet?  With the price of vegetables these days you’d better get on it.  My next big cost-saving gourmet idea is a tasty crunchy wood-tick topper for my dandelion salad. I’ll let you know how that works out for me 😉

Keep it crunchy Witches!


Time to crack it open

Well,  that was a long and tedious week – but I made it!  Happy Friday Witches.

How many meetings did I attend that could have been an email? I lost count by Tuesday. 

Is it just me, or is it getting very difficult to hold back my inner witch?  I actually told someone to “just stop talking” on one of my meetings this week.  It was in a nice tone, and I smiled after I said it.  That counts, I think?  The stunned silence by all was totally worth it. 

Despite the frost warning tonight, we should have a sunny weekend ahead. 

Calorie counter is already switched off – heavy loads of snacks are planned for the witching hour while I’m in my hut prepping orders.  Then the midnight broom ride tomorrow…got some card deliveries to make. 

Get shit done this weekend Witches, – and by ‘done’ I mean watch that movie, eat that Dill Pickle dip with Ripple chips, crack open the full sugar Pepsi.  Weekends are short, and Monday is lurking around the corner.

Hello Witches.

Yes, this is my resting Witch face.

I’ve propped my broom in the corner, and brewed a stiff cup of potion. It’s April 11, and I am settling in for winter. Again. My conversation with that idiot called Spring fell on deaf ears, apparently.

I’ve even got the wood restacked. The candles are trimmed, and the cauldron is filled to the brim. I’m not flying my broom anytime soon, as the snowstorm and high winds are approaching. I mean let’s be real, my landing technique could use some help, even on calm days.

The forecast is pretty depressing, for sure. We shall see what old man winter actually has to say this week – In the meantime, you’ll find me hunkering down, inking cards in my hut by candlelight.

Prop your brooms, stay warm. Toss in the occasional loud cackle to keep things witchy.

We can do this.


Spring is coming??

Winter is getting on my last nerve. 

Is it just me, or did Spring get lost?

Someone even said Spring was right around the corner.  It couldn’t have been around any of the corners near here, and apparently it’s decided that stopping for directions is not sexy.  The new snowfall adds to the frustration of it all and I’m over it. 

The snow is still waist deep near the hut, and the tree branches are heavy with it.  The chill in the hut still needs to be pushed out with the warmth from the stove and that means more wood chopping. Arrgggg. 

Hang in there Witches!  I’m going out tonight for a broom ride to see if I can track down that idiot called Spring, and get it heading in the right direction.

Stay warm,


Please stop UTILIZING!

Just one of the things this week that rubbed my last nerve…

How many times can one person use the word “UTILIZE” in a conversation?? 


Do you know how dumb you sound?  Just USE the word USE.  Don’t UTILIZE the word UTILIZE in a conversation.

For the love of all things WITCH, just STOP doing it. There.  Enough said.

USE this advice wisely… or don’t…..I have a spell for that. 

Whatever happened to Russell??

It’s Saturday Witches.

The day of the week when chocolate must be on the menu. It is this sweet weekend ritual and craving that has stirred a longing that is hard to satiate.

I suffered a crushing disappointment on Valentine’s Day when I was, once again, unable to locate my second love, Russell.

Russell and I had been having a fairly quiet affair for years, and to be honest, he has been ghosting me long before Valentine’s.  He’s been missing for awhile now.  But this Saturday, I am pining for him once again. 

The delicious variety that was offered in every encounter was delectable.  He was celebratory yet affordable.  He always hit the mark, no matter the day. 

He was light, and he was dark.  He was soft, yet also gave chewy options.  He was also nutty at times.  He could really match my mood. 

I implore all of you – if you have seen Russell anywhere – please, please let me know where I may find him.  I would be forever grateful for your help.

Oh – to make it easier – his name is Russell Stover.

Happy Saturday Witches! Here’s to eating chocolate today – I suppose any brand will have to do!


On a scale of 1-10?

Hey Witches!!

Where are you on this scale of 1-10 for your workday? Yesterday I was a two, but happy to say today I’m at a 9.

1. Your last nerve has just been sanded raw with a nail file.

2. Your tongue is swollen and bleeding after clamping your teeth down on it all day.

3. Your tongue has stopped bleeding, but the nerve in your left eye is quivering uncontrollably.

4. Your stomach is growling and your heartburn is roaring from the 3 cups of coffee that replaced lunch.

5. Candle wax dripped on your computer keyboard, but it’s not that bad – it still turned on.

6. Laughed so hard, tears ran down your leg – needed to change your clothes half way through the day.

7. It’s Monday, realized you’ve booked a vacation day on Friday – so it’s a short week ahead!

8. Just remembered there are leftovers for dinner tonight – so no cooking time tonight required!

9. New recipe for Cauldron Brewed Espresso is a grand success – the scent is be-witching. 

10. Your broomstick is trimmed and the moon is full tonight.

Wherever you may fall today on this scale, we have all definitely been there! Try to enjoy your evening.


One word that will irritate you:


Cold, dark and it’s still not spring. And that damn rodent saw his shadow.  Six more years of this, I mean weeks of winter to go.

Then there’s the so-called “Love Day” smack dab in the middle of it.  This is the day we eat chocolate, smell the overpriced roses, and profess our passion for each other.  I suppose – Why not?? There is certainly nothing else going on. 

Here’s my big idea:  Let’s call it Choc-uary instead of the dreaded “F” month. 

One more reason to actually enjoy winter, I say.

Who’s with me, Witches?

ps: check out my “Love” card collection for some great Valentine, Anniversary and love wishes that will be sure to impress.


Welcome to Frizelda’s Hut in the woods.

This is where Frizelda the Witch spends her evenings and weekends, to get away from the daily grind.

She’s decided that NOW is the time to start showing her INNER WITCH.

Her cauldron bubbles, and the candles are flickering jauntily around the room.  The smell of the warm beeswax creates a Witchy vibe as she paints, inks and edges her very own branded greeting cards. 

She’s been dreaming of exactly this for many years now, and has finally, and officially, hung the sign on the door to her hut:


She has started to curate her collection of all things Witchy, so that you too can start to show them your inner witch as you trudge through your daily grind.  Try sending one of Frizelda’s sarcastic cards,  wearing the Frizelda bracelet, or simply hanging the sign on front door.  Stop, take a moment to light that beeswax candle.  Enjoy all of the Witchy things in Frizelda’s collection that will make your day less boring and be sure to leave time for a loud crazy cackle as you go! 

Check out Frizelda’s Collection so far – – and come back often! – as new Witchy items will come and go.

Stay connected with her by adding your email to receive her newsletter and follow her on social media – @frizeldathewitch. 

It’s the Witching Hour – let the magic begin!